Photographer Lee searle

A bit about me and my journey to becoming a professional photographer.

Lee Searle Professional photographer

Diving into the kaleidoscopic world of professional photography isn't just a career change; it's a whirlwind romance with creativity, a dance with light, and a deep dive into the spectrum of human emotions. My journey from a photography enthusiast to a full-fledged photographer is a tale sprinkled with a bit of magic, a dash of daring, and a whole lot of shutter clicks.

It all started at 17, when I was wrestling with Crohn’s disease. Photography wasn't just a hobby; it was my lifeline, my therapy on days filled with more questions than answers. Little did I know, this therapeutic pastime was quietly plotting to hijack my entire life. It whispered sweet nothings about creativity, showed me the world through a different lens (pun intended), and set my imagination ablaze.

I cut my teeth in the bustling halls of H Tempest, learning the ropes, mastering the art of capturing fleeting moments. Then, I zigzagged through various photography gigs, each click of the shutter steering me closer to an inevitable truth – I was hopelessly in love with photography.

Taking the plunge into the full-time photography gig was like jumping off a cliff with nothing but my camera to break the fall. Trading a steady paycheck for the unpredictable waves of freelance photography work might sound like madness to some. But here's the thing: when you're armed with passion and draped in time, you're invincible. Or at least convincingly brave.

So here I am, a professional photographer, living my dream one snapshot at a time. It's been a wild ride from therapy to profession, but hey, if photography has taught me anything, it's that the best stories are found outside the comfort zone.

And I'm just getting started.

See you on the other side of the lens!